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Recent Works

Produced, directed and written the scripts of two short films named "She is Mine" and "Anna" in 2017. Also written another short film on May 24 of 2018th named "Love" and its on its early pre production stage. Currently working on a feature film named "Zumrut" as it's producer, screenwriter and director in 2018. Played parts and lead roles in more than 40 short films since 2015. Took acting classes from Hollywood professionals in New York Film Academy. Took Meisner acting technique training from Anthony Montes in Hollywood. Played parts and lead roles in many theatrical works including Romeo Juliet, Dan of Thieves, and Proof. 

Interviewed on Dante Night Show in 2017. Graduated from Vienna Music Academy and Bilkent Faculty of Music and Performing Arts as a professional concert pianist.    


I believe, true success is always coming from what we do truly from our hearts. Up until now, I never felt complete. I did my best on things, worked really hard and achived big successes but in my soul, it was always incomplete. One day I changed my mind, quit from my job in a big company and decided to listen what my heart says and what I really want to do in my life. Started doing acting and as I played the parts in film projects, I realized that I am so happy and I do what I really love to do. And for the first time in my life, I feel free and complete. Everyday I wake up in a day full of happiness. No matter what people around say, dont listen. Always listen what your heart says.    

Find out more about me? 

Simply check out my IMDB, LinkedIn, Youtube Channel and Instagram pages !!!




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